Facebook seems to be a daring innovator not just in social media but in creative fundamental analysis as well. 看来Facebook不仅在社交网络方面是个大胆的创新者,在基本面分析上也是一样。
Liang, a believer in Warren Buffett` s concept of fundamental analysis, is now primarily focusing on value investment and low-risk arbitrage trading to take advantage of price differences between the mainland and the Hong Kong market. 作为沃伦巴菲特基础分析理论的信奉者,梁昊现在的注意力主要集中在价值投资以及利用大陆同香港市场的价差来实现盈利的低风险套利交易上。
Technical analysis differs from fundamental analysis in that technical analysis is applied only to the price of the market, ignoring fundamental factors. 技术面分析和基本面分析的区别在于技术面分析只适用于市场的价格,而忽略了基本面因素。
In addition to the equity analysts, the research team includes credit analysts, who provide complementary fundamental analysis, as well as providing expertise on specific credit issues. 除了资产分析师,研究团队还包括信用分析师。他们补充一些基础分析,同时还对特定的信用问题提供专业意见。
By subjecting nature as well as society and its institutions to a searching, fundamental analysis, the Greeks became the philosophical teachers of the Western world. 希腊人通过对自然、社会和社会制度进行彻底的,基本的分析,成了西方世界的哲学先师。
On the other hand, fundamental analysis examines all relevant factors affecting the stock price in order to determine an intrinsic value for that stock. 另一方面,基础分析则研究所有可能影响股价的因素,以确定股票的实际价值。
Fundamental analysis, said: "the sun must rises from the east, but don't know when to rise, also don't know what time is it now." 太阳是怎么升起的?基本面分析者说:“太阳一定从东方升起,但不知道何时升起,也不知道现在几点。”
I am good at technical analysis and fundamental analysis. 本人长于技术分析和基本面分析。
A widely used tool in fundamental analysis is the price-earnings ratio or PE ratio. It is calculated, using the stock price divided by the earnings per share ( EPS) of a company. 本益比是基础分析中最常用的比例,计算方式是股价除每股盈利。
Fundamental Analysis of Illegal Structures Under Elevated Roads in Urban 城市高架道路桥下空间的违章搭建浅析
Some believe that fundamental analysis is good for picking the right stock whellole technical analysis is appropriate to decide the right price or time to buy. 有些人认为,基础分析较合适用于选择股票,而技术分析则合用于决定买入的机会以及价格。
The two commonly used approaches for such decisions are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. This article will introduce you to both. 本文将介绍两个常用来解答问题的方法:技术分析和基础分析。
ANNI software that allows to make better trading decisions a combination of technical analysis, fundamental analysis and advanced neural network technology, and easy to use package. ANNI软件,允许以更好地做出交易的决定相结合的技术分析,基本分析和先进的神经网络技术于一体,易于使用的软件包。
Fundamental analysis consists of macro strategic assessments of where a currency should be trading based on virtually any criteria but the price action itself. 基本面分析包括宏观评估,宏观评估衡量除价格本身波动以外的所有可能影响一个货币交易的基本因素。
From the fundamental analysis of the human character and institution of the hypothesis of self-interest being, they break through the way ethics intervenes politics. 本文从经济人假设的人性基础和制度基础分析入手,打通政治活动中伦理介入的通道。
Do you agree fundamental analysis strategy may preclude investors from participating in large upside potential in a trending market? 你是否同意基本分析策略可能会阻止投资者参与有上升潜力的趋势(炒卖)市场?
The Fundamental Analysis and Proposals on the Development of Qingdao Small and Medium Enterprises 青岛市中小企业的基本状况分析与发展建议
By con ¬ trolling risk and limiting loss through extensive fundamental analysis, strict discipline, and endless patience, value investors can expect good results with limited downside. 通过广泛的基本分析,严格的纪律性,不断的耐性来控制风险和限制损失,价值投资者能够在暂时的下跌时获得好的结果。
The investment group does bottom-up fundamental analysis to select stocks. 这个投资小组通过自下而上的基本面分析选股。
Fundamental analysis of atmospheric transmission sky background radiance is carried out, height is regarded as the key factor. 对大气透过率和天空背景辐射进行了初步分析,指出高度为其最主要影响因素。
At last, the paper scans technical analysis and fundamental analysis, which are negatived by EMH. 最后,文章重新审视了被有效市场假说否定了的技术分析和基本分析。
Part One is the fundamental analysis consists of three aspects. 第一部分是基础分析,它又分为三个方面。
Fractal market shows the coexistence of order and out-of-order, which provides existing space for technical analysis and fundamental analysis. 由于分形市场所揭示的是有序和无序的整合共存,这就为技术分析和基本分析的合理性提供了一定的存在空间。
In addition, this thesis concludes the application of clause complexes and projecting verbs in news discourse and fiction. A fundamental analysis and explanation of the relationship between text structures and genre are made. 另外还对新闻语篇和小说投射小句及投射动词的应用进行总结,揭示了投射的语篇体裁变差,并对语篇结构与语篇体裁之间的关系作了初步的解释。
Chapter three is the rule of fundamental analysis in the first analysis of the development of metallurgical industry status and trends, then the rule of the Chinese in the development and the basic description. 本文第三章是中国中冶的基本面分析,先分析了冶金行业的发展现状及趋势,然后是中国中冶的发展和基本介绍。
This chapter first makes a fundamental analysis on anti-investigation actions with its timing, subjects and the relationships between anti-investigation and investigation itself. 本章首先对反侦查行为的主体与时间,反侦查与侦查之关系进行了基本分析。
The paper simply introduces the basic and fundamental analysis of this chapter on the meaning of credit guarantee, the emergence and development of history and legal nature of the problem, to lay a good foundation for the following research system of prevention and control of risk. 这一章对信用担保的含义、产生和发展的历史以及法律性质等基础性的问题进行简单介绍和基本分析,为以下研究风险的防范控制制度打好基础。
The second part, the underlying fundamental analysis on the application of the fair value. 第二部分,公允价值应用的相关基础分析。